Annual Membership Subscription

Complete the digital ASTA Membership form and a prepared invoice will be emailed to you. Memberships are renewed on an annual basis.

Membership will be confirmed when payment has been received. The membership will be updated online on a monthly basis.

Conference Grants

Each year ASTA offers financial assistance to help people attend science conferences. The selection of applicants is made by ballot.


  1. The conference must be out of Auckland
  2. The money must make up the short fall of what your school is able to provide ie if you are fully funded by your school for fees, accommodation and transport costs you cannot apply.
  3. You will be required to provide an oral or written report to the AGM.
  4. The grant is only available to paid up members of ASTA or members of an institution that is a fully paid up member of ASTA.
  5. You must be prepared to share what you have learned with ASTA members – this may involve a presentation at a meeting.
  6. If you received support in past years this does not preclude you from applying again but if there are more than four applicants your name will not be included in the ballot.
  7. If for some reason you cannot attend the conference the money must be returned.

To be in the running for a grant, you need to be present at the advertised meeting.